2019 Hudson River Symposium

Ecosystem Response to Climate Change and Sea-Level Rise in the Hudson Estuary

Wednesday, May 8th, 2019 9:00 AM-5:30 PM

Vassar College
College Center – Villard Room
124 Raymond Avenue, Poughkeepsie, NY 12604

 In 2019, the Hudson River Environmental Society will provide a forum to present the state of the science to understand vulnerabilities and opportunities to climate change and sea-level rise of the habitats of the Hudson Estuary. Climate change is altering the natural communities in the estuary and watershed.  Changing sediment dynamics in the river have altered aquatic habitats and could lead to shifts in fish and wildlife communities. Sea levels rise may alter tidal wetlands.  Are there affects in the ocean, including ocean warming and acidification that affect the water and biota of the Hudson River? Decisions to protect communities will affect Hudson River habitats. The symposium will present current research and management options. 

Download Program (PDF)

View Presentations Here:

Assessing the Risk: Climate Risk in the Hudson Valley – Daniel Bader (PDF)

Adapting to New York’s wetter climate – Mark Lowery (PDF)

Processes underlying climate driven shifts in mid-Atlantic Bight fish – John P. Manderson (PDF)

Adaptation to climate change: Can we better equip Hudson River fishes to succeed? – David H. Secor (PDF)

Historical and projected changes in spawning phenologies of American shad and striped bass in the Hudson River Estuary – Christopher C. Nack (PDF)

Monitoring Hudson River tidal wetlands for climate change resilience – Sarah Fernald (PDF)

Conserving Hudson River tidal wetlands in an age of sea-level rise – Nava Tabak (PDF)

Rapid tidal marsh development on the Hudson during period of tributary damming and shoreline modification- Brian Yellen and Jon Woodruff (PDF)

Using dredged material to enhance New Jersey salt marshes – Joel A. Pecchioli (PDF)